Thursday, February 12, 2009

Christ as Fruit- The Cosmic Christo-Centrism of Fray Luis de León

Well, this is Christ being a fruit. And Scripture gives Him this name to make us understand that Christ is the end of all things and He for Whose happy birth all creatures were created and directed. For just as the tree root was not made for itself, nor the trunk that is born and sustains itself on top but one and the other together with the branches, flowers and leaves and all the rest that the tree produces is ordered and directed toward the fruit that comes out of it which is its end and finishing-off; thus, in the same way, these extended heavens which we see and the stars that shine in them and amongst them, this fount of clarity and light that illuminates everything, the round and beautiful earth painted with flowers, the waters teaming with fish, animals, and men, and this whole universe so great and beautiful, God made it for this end: to make His Son a man and produce this unique and divine fruit that is Christ, which we can truly call the common birth of all things.

(From On the Names of Christ by Fray Luis de León, Book I, Chapter 1: Blossom)

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