Thursday, December 13, 2007

Cecco Angiolieri- Dante's colorful friend

S'i fosse fuoco, arderei 'l mondo;
s'i fosse vento, lo tempestarei;
s'i fosse acqua, i' l'annegherei;
s'i fosse Dio, mandereil' en profondo;
s'i fosse papa, allor serei giocondo,
ché tutti cristiani imbrigarei;
s'i fosse 'mperator, ben lo farei;
a tutti tagliarei lo capo a tondo.
S'i fosse morte, andarei a mi' padre;
s'i fosse vita, non starei con lui;
similemente faria da mi' madre.
Si fosse Cecco com'i' sono e fui,
torrei le donne giovani e leggiadre:
le zoppe e vecchie lasserei altrui.

If I were fire I’d burn the world

If I were wind I’d storm it

If I were water I’d drown it

If I were God I’d sent it to Hell

If I were the Pope I’d be happy

‘cause I would interfere in the life of every Christian.

If I were Emperor I know what I’d do

I’d order everyone’s had cut off like that!

If I were Death I’d visit my father

If I were Life I’d run away from him.

The same thing goes for my mother.

If I were Cecco which I was and am

I’d have young and sprightly women

And the lame and ugly ones I’d leave for another.

1 comment:

E. G-Máiquez said...

Very funny poem, and great translation! Thank you.