Wednesday, November 08, 2006

On women and men and the Son of Man and His Mother

Here is another poem by Whitman which I cannot help but think has a bearing on the importance of Our Lady.

Unfolded Out of the Folds
UNFOLDED out of the folds of the woman, man comes unfolded, and is always to come unfolded;
Unfolded only out of the superbest woman of the earth, is to come the superbest man of the earth;
Unfolded out of the friendliest woman, is to come the friendliest man;
Unfolded only out of the perfect body of a woman, can a man be form’d of perfect body;
Unfolded only out of the inimitable poem of the woman, can come the poems of man—(only thence have my poems come;) 5
Unfolded out of the strong and arrogant woman I love, only thence can appear the strong and arrogant man I love;
Unfolded by brawny embraces from the well-muscled woman I love, only thence come the brawny embraces of the man;
Unfolded out of the folds of the woman’s brain, come all the folds of the man’s brain, duly obedient;
Unfolded out of the justice of the woman, all justice is unfolded;
Unfolded out of the sympathy of the woman is all sympathy: 10
A man is a great thing upon the earth, and through eternity—but every jot of the greatness of man is unfolded out of woman,
First the man is shaped in the woman, he can then be shaped in himself.

Though Whitman doubtlessly meant to celebrate women in general, But behind woman and womanhood lurks the imprint of the incarnate Son. Have you every noticed that in the Old Testament mankind is Adam (dirt), in both ish (man) and ishah (woman). Both created in the Image and likeness of God. However through original sin one becomes subject to another. Even in the Mosaic Law and the Ten Commandments the precept not to covet another's wife was meant more along the lines of property than anything else. Yet there was a seed there you see briefly in the stories of Sara, Deborah, Ruth and Naomi, and Esther. Yet only with Jesus Christ is womanhood revealed. As Antonio Machado had said in one of his pseudo-lectures as Juan Mairena- Jesus Christ is the inventor of woman. Only with the advent of Christianity as such was the concept of womanhood, and a concrete feminine genius developed.
Now with the dissolution of Christendom and Christian culture the drive for equality threatens to reduce humanity to basic maleness and femaleness which is in itself subhuman. Maleness does not make a man a man nor does femaleness make for a woman. We are tending more and more towards an androgynous state and the loss of our own humanity. Much of late tweentieth century feminism's mistake (as opposed to classical feminism earlier in the century) was to take the western ideal of autonomy which is purely masculine in nature and graft it onto femaleness, thus destroying woman. Many women know this instinctively. A woman need only abide and she is. A man must do something or make something of himself.
The current crisis of masculinity is at basis a crisis of humanity where manliness and womanliness are being trampled underfoot toward our rapid descent into animality, where unreason and brute force triumph. Only by focusing on the Immaculate Mother and Her Son can we approach humanity in full, a humanity joined with the divine life. Humanity set free to love and serve the Lord. Otherwise we're nothing more than our genitalia and our urges. Nothing more. Just hairless orangutans humping other orangutans in the city. No wonder we're so confused. Only humanity can be inhuman, and only man can be theunman and not recognize his humanity. Even my pet cockatoo in her conditioned upbringing by humans has some inkling of what a man is.

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