Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Leaves of Grass Redux

Leaves of Grass 1892

Do I contradict myself?
Very well then ... I contradict myself,
I am large ... I contain multitudes.
"Song of Myself", Strophe 51, Z. 1321- 1323

Updated version for 2007
Do I contradict myself?
Very well then . . . I contradict myself,
my whores are large . . .
they contain multitudes

of whores ad infinitum.

Whores = disordered desires.

Money and whores are akin to Light which is both a particle and a wave. But this whole edifice is founded on whores which are disordered desires. And said desires are set in a spiral, one wound around the other. Leading to the center of the void. These disordered desires objectify and erase our person-hood and humanity. Ay, there's the rub. It's an excuse to treat people like crap for our own ends. Since without something greater than us which transcends us there are no more ends but only means. And without the Ultimate End which is the Good, then everything, even people are only tools for a twisted will.
Thus we are slaves who think we are free. Look within yes but also look without. See that things are not good or evil merely because thinking makes them so. By no means! Now rediscover the law. And thus the end of man and his dignity. Ite, missa est! Go, you are sent.

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