Tuesday, December 05, 2006

From El Camino- "The way"


San José María Escrivá de Balaguer (1902-1975)

Inevitably when the subject of Opus Dei comes up people start frothing at the mouths spouting conspiracy theories. It is no wonder that I embark on quoting José María Escrivá, the founder of Opus with trepidation. But I don't care. Let the firebombs via airmail come as they may. For whatever reason, popular culture in Spain despises him and Opus. That's where Dan Brown got it from I gather when he studied Art there. But with all the problems in the world I doubt Opus Dei has a hand in them. It's a lay apostolate, man. People make way too much of it being a personal prelature of the Papacy like that means it controls the world. It's the main reason that Vatican II could muster the energy for the universal call to holiness. It single handedly revived the idea that the laity as well as clerics were called to be holy. And that a believer could be an agent of sanctification in the secular world. In Escrivá’s case this is all based on the long tradition of Spanish mysticism of Santa Teresa de Jesús, and San Juan de la Cruz, which sees the glory of God in all things. Even the mundane. It is a very down to earth philosophy and way of looking at things that is very Catholic and thereby sacramental. Grace is not contrary to nature but builds on it. Though members of Opus may be strict in their leanings one cannot deny that the message of this apostolate is universal.

Here is an excerpt from Escrivá’s main spiritual work El Camino- the Way. Many people get annoyed by the style and say that it’s annoying and simplistic. Then again many people hated it when Escrivá was declared a saint in record time alleging Opus bribed the curia to pull off a record canonization. Whatever, whenever there’s Opus controversy abounds. I actually saw a video of him done in a visit to South America and he seemed to be a charming, old Spanish priest. Harmless really. Yet maybe once you see the simplicity of the message of The Way you will see that if we have a problem with it maybe it is not the text that is at fault be we ourselves. Like when St. Augustine scoffed at the Bible as too unsophisticated in style for a scholar of his caliber before his conversion.

Get used to raising your heart to God in thanksgiving many times a day.

Because he gives you that and this other thing. Because they despise you. Because you do or don't have what you want.

Because he made His Mother so beautiful, that She is Your Mother too.

Because He created the sun and the moon and that animal over there, as well as that plant. Because he made that man eloquent and you he made tongue-tied

Give Him thanks because all things are good.

Spanish Original:

Acostúmbrate a elevar tu corazón a Dios, en acción de gracias, muchas veces al día. —Porque te da esto y lo otro. —Porque te han despreciado. —Porque no tienes lo que necesitas o porque lo tienes.

Porque hizo tan hermosa a su Madre, que es también Madre tuya. —Porque creó el Sol y la Luna y aquel animal y aquella otra planta. —Porque hizo a aquel hombre elocuente y a ti te hizo premioso...

Dale gracias por todo, porque todo es bueno.

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